The Apostle Peter sent his second letter into an environment where false teaching was on the rise and moral carelessness was beginning to take root among the people of God. To oppose these challenges, he reminded his readers of the Gospel truths they already knew – truths that provide the necessary basis for growing to Christian maturity. These same truths are vitally important to 21st century Christians: we, too, must study to deepen our knowledge of God's Word, relying on its authority and sufficiency to guide our beliefs and behavior. We, too, must guard against false teaching and error, and we too must look forward to Christ's sure return.
We invite you to join Alistair Begg in remembering anew that by God’s divine power, He has given believers everything we need for the commencement, the continuance, and the completion of the Christian life. Such truth is, as Peter described it, truly a “great and precious promise.”