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Dream Small & Knowable Word

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Dream Small & Knowable Word

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In Dream Small: The Secret Power of the Ordinary Christian Life, author Seth Lewis challenges readers to rethink their definition of success according to what matters most to God. This compelling, easy-to-read book offers the stark reminder that those who run hard to win their own success will lose everything in the end—but living life to fulfill God’s plan will lead you straight into the arms of Life Himself.

“This book took hold of me in chapter one and tightened its grip until, by the end, I was compelled to take up the challenge to ‘dream small.’ I invite you to join me.” —Alistair Begg

Knowable Word: Helping Ordinary People Learn to Study the Bible is a brief, practical guidebook that teaches a time-tested method of study that has helped audiences of all ages understand what Scripture says, what it means, and how it can be applied to daily life.

The book lays out a specific, three-step approach for reading and understanding the biblical text. This approach makes it easy to learn on your own without relying on commentaries, sermon notes, or going to Google.

More specifically, you’ll learn how to identify the audience of the text, pinpoint the themes and structure of a passage, and correctly determine what the text is teaching.

Whether you’re new to reading the Bible or you’re a seasoned student of studying Scripture, the three-step process Knowable Word provides will be of great benefit.

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