The book of Daniel contains familiar Bible stories and perplexing apocalyptic visions, yet both are held together by the doctrinal anchors of God’s sovereignty over the affairs of history and His promise to judge the world. History is unfolding according to God’s plan, and every one of us will stand before our Creator. These realities had bearing on how Daniel and his friends lived amid a pagan culture, and they have bearing on how we live today.
In volume one of this series, Alistair Begg examines the obedience of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, the destructive pride of the Babylonian and Median kings, and God’s faithfulness and power in it all. As we recognize that this sinful and broken world is not our home, we can find encouragement and warning in these stories from Israel’s exile. The pressures around us need not overwhelm our hope in the God who has overcome the world.