
Resources series

Stories of the Kingdom

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The stories Jesus told described a King and a kingdom unlike any other. Jesus’ words challenged His hearers to consider the magnitude of their sin and the depth of mercy that they could never deserve. Like those in Jesus’ day, we, too, are prone to misunderstand how these stories testify to the realities of Christ’s kingdom. In a culture that is reluctant to embrace absolute truth, it can be convenient to marginalize who Jesus is and why He came to earth. Like the rich young ruler, we may consider ourselves to be moral people with no need for a Savior. We may never have been struck by the weight and gravity of God’s coming judgment, driving us to consider our need for mercy. In this series of messages from the Gospel of Mark, Alistair Begg shows us the necessity of knowing Christ as a gracious Savior, an eternal King, and the one who will ultimately judge the world in righteousness.

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Sermons in this Series

How Does God’s Kingdom Grow?

Mark 4:1–12 Sermon 36:30 ID: 2691

The Seed and the Soils

Mark 4:1–20 Sermon 38:32 ID: 2692

Careful Listening

Mark 4:21–25 Sermon 37:30 ID: 2694

The Kingdom of God

Mark 4:26–34 Sermon 39:26 ID: 2696

“One Thing You Lack”

Mark 10:17–22 Sermon Includes Transcript 38:32 ID: 2825

Lessons from the Fig Tree — Part One

Mark 11:12–14, Mark 11:20–25 Sermon Includes Transcript 39:28 ID: 2833

Lessons from the Fig Tree — Part Two

Mark 11:23–25 Sermon Includes Transcript 40:22 ID: 2834

“This Is about Us!”

Mark 12:1–12 Sermon Includes Transcript 36:41 ID: 2840

The Coming of the Son of Man

Mark 13:24–31 Sermon Includes Transcript 38:42 ID: 2899

A Wake-Up Call!

Mark 13:32–37 Sermon Includes Transcript 37:23 ID: 2901