Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said that “the work of preaching is the highest and the greatest and the most glorious calling to which anyone can ever be called.” Such a high calling, however, comes with a high level of responsibility: as a pastor places his confidence in the Gospel’s power, the task of proclamation must be his chief concern. In The Pastor’s Study, we present a collection of sermons designed to help and encourage the Gospel-centered pastor as he evangelizes faithfully and establishes believers in the sound doctrine essential to spiritual growth.
In volume eight of this series, Alistair Begg brings God’s wisdom and his own experience to bear on the issues facing today’s church leaders. Pastors, he reminds us, are to consider their purpose, preach the Scriptures boldly, serve faithfully, and lead their people toward spiritual maturity, all while living in humble obedience through the Spirit’s power.