In recent decades, Christians’ understanding of the Holy Spirit has suffered dreadfully from extremism at both ends of the theological spectrum. As a result, many sincere believers who earnestly long to know more of the Spirit’s power and presence in their individual lives and corporate fellowships are at the same time unable to discern the truth about His identity, nature, and work. So who is the Holy Spirit, really? Only God and His Word can tackle that question fully.
In this series, Alistair Begg surveys Scripture’s teaching on this most misunderstood member of the Trinity, from the basic facts about the Spirit’s personality and divinity to the role He plays in salvation and His present-day ministry in believers’ lives. If you’ve ever wondered what it means to be baptized by the Spirit, to live a Spirit-filled life, or to seek the Spirit’s guidance, take comfort: God’s Word is able to bring the answers into focus!