
Bible Reference

1 Peter 5:2
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2shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight,1 not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you;2 not for shameful gain, but eagerly;


  • 1 5:2 Some manuscripts omit exercising oversight
  • 2 5:2 Some manuscripts omit as God would have you
Displaying 1-7 of 7 sermons for this passage.

Our Basic Calling as a Shepherd

1 Peter 5:1–40 Sermon 40:34 ID: gs1456

Hanging On When You Feel Like Giving Up

1 Peter 5:1–11 Sermon Includes Transcript 56:37 ID: 3542

Leaders in the Local Church

1 Peter 5:1–5, Exodus 18:13–27 Sermon Includes Transcript 36:22 ID: 3312

Don’t Worry, Be Humble (The Cove)

1 Peter 5:1–6 Sermon 58:04 ID: 3161

Responsible Leadership

1 Peter 5:1–4 Sermon 31:13 ID: 0128

The Confused Culture and a Compromised Church

1 Peter 2:9 – 2 Peter 2:11 Sermon 36:43 ID: 1657

Shepherding God’s Flock

1 Peter 5:1–4 Sermon 33:30 ID: 1503

Displaying 1-2 of 2 series for this passage.

The Kingdom of God, Volume 2

Matthew 1:1 – Revelation 22:21 Series ID: 26802

A Study in 1 Peter, Volume 4

Some Practical Exhortations 1 Peter 5:1–14 Series ID: 16006

1 Peter 5:4
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4And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.

Displaying 1-7 of 7 sermons for this passage.

Our Basic Calling as a Shepherd

1 Peter 5:1–40 Sermon 40:34 ID: gs1456

Hanging On When You Feel Like Giving Up

1 Peter 5:1–11 Sermon Includes Transcript 56:37 ID: 3542

Leaders in the Local Church

1 Peter 5:1–5, Exodus 18:13–27 Sermon Includes Transcript 36:22 ID: 3312

Don’t Worry, Be Humble (The Cove)

1 Peter 5:1–6 Sermon 58:04 ID: 3161

Responsible Leadership

1 Peter 5:1–4 Sermon 31:13 ID: 0128

The Confused Culture and a Compromised Church

1 Peter 2:9 – 2 Peter 2:11 Sermon 36:43 ID: 1657

Shepherding God’s Flock

1 Peter 5:1–4 Sermon 33:30 ID: 1503

Displaying 1-2 of 2 series for this passage.

The Kingdom of God, Volume 2

Matthew 1:1 – Revelation 22:21 Series ID: 26802

A Study in 1 Peter, Volume 4

Some Practical Exhortations 1 Peter 5:1–14 Series ID: 16006