Become a Truthpartner | Truth For Life

Become a Truthpartner!

Truthpartners are listeners like you who give monthly to make this 100% listener-funded ministry possible.

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How does it help?

When you give, you're funding the ministry so that cost is never a barrier to access Alistair's teaching:

  • • Free online listening and downloads
  • • Free mobile app
  • • Free transcripts
  • • USBs and books sold at cost
  • • Daily teaching through 1,900 radio outlets

How do you benefit?

When you become a Truthpartner:

  1. 1. You'll receive a welcome kit that includes Truth For Life: 365 Daily Devotions, the Scripture-based one-year devotional written by Alistair
  2. 2. Learn from a Truthpartner-only Bible-teaching message from Alistair each month
  3. 3. Request one of our featured book recommendations with no additional donation — or when you give $20 or more monthly, request both featured books!

Receive great books like these! Request one monthly in appreciation of your partnership—or two when you give $20 a month or more. Just give us a call or request your books online. It’s easy!

Enjoy learning from the Scripture-rich devotional Truth For Life: 365 Daily Devotions that will be mailed to you automatically you when you sign up to become a Truthpartner

Enjoy listening to a special Truthpartner-only message from Alistair each month called the Message of the Month available in your Truthpartner online account.

This month, request:

Get Started:


Create an online account by entering the information below (or sign in if you already have a Truth For Life account)


Enter the requested information and set up your automated giving from your checking account or credit card


Each month, go online to your account and request the books you’d like sent to you.

Truthpartner Sign-up Form

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