Written for an audience of Jewish believers in a time of persecution, the book of Hebrews proclaims an eternal truth: Jesus is our Great High Priest. He is the perfect mediator between God and humanity and the ultimate provision for sins. As the writer of Hebrews considers Christ’s work from its foreshadowing in the Old Testament to its present impact, he warns believers about the dangers of apostasy and exhorts them to fix their eyes on Jesus as they persevere in faith.
In volume two of this series, Alistair Begg helps us understand how God’s plan from eternity was to bring the old covenant to completion in a superior new covenant. As a Priest in the order of Melchizedek, Christ has made a once-for-all offering to atone for sin, and He continues to intercede on our behalf before God’s throne. With a cleansed conscience and empowered by the Holy Spirit, believers can approach the throne of God with confident gratitude for His grace to them.